Friday, February 5, 2010

アカウント移行請願方法  for Japanese


仮に、HSSを使ってProoject Torqueで遊ぶよりも、HSSを使わずにGamigoのLevel-Rを遊ぶとすると、Project Torqueの方が日本からの接続はラグが少ないので、本来ならAeriaにLevel-Rの日本の権利を買ってもらい、現状北米だけの配信地域を日本に広げてもらった方が、日本人にとって有利なのですが、しかし、現状、地域配信契約をもつ運営会社がない地域については、GamepotがGamigoに認可しているとの話なので、可能性は厳しいと思います。つまり現状では、アカウント移行の請願はGamigoがまず最初となります。



Closed betaから開発と運営お疲れ様でした。そして、今までありがとうございました。 しかしながら、このLevel-Rはまだ続けたいと思いますが、Invictusのページを見ると、まずは請願書を自分のアカウントがある会社、および移行先の会社に請願を送るようにと書いてありますので、送付させていただきました。
Q: I spent real money on the game so I would like to be able to play further.
A: You can play on the server of the operator who has the license for your country. We would like to copy the accounts, but so far have not been authorized to do so. We suggest you asking the operator or writing a petition. This way we may gain the authorization for copying accounts and items in question

残念ながら、今回私たちは、日本のLevel-Rを去らねばならなくなりました。しかし、またいつかLevel-Rが日本に帰ってくるのを夢見て、それまではEU版でip-blockなく遊べるようにしてください。また、いままで使っていたアカウントの経験値をある程度EU版で考慮していただけるよう、働きかけてもらえないでしょうか?いま、世界各国にLevel-Rがあるのは、私たち日本人が技術テストやOpen betaでフィードバックしてきた蓄積があってからこそだと思います。


Invictus にも送ってみてください。
---------------Template 2nd edition -----------------
<宛先>support アットマーク(自分で変換してくれ)
<題名> Inquiry of account transfer from Gamepot Japan Level-R to Gamigo EU LevelR
To: Invictus
Atten:Level-R team, or Tamas Kozak

Dear Tamas Kozak,

I feel sorry to hear that Gamepot annouced finish their level-R service in Japan.

-----quote : -----
Gamepot Inc., Japan, decided to focus on the international expansion of Level-R in the future and stop the Japanese domestic service of Level-R from 15 March 2010.
It won't affect the operation of any other territories and we hope to open Level-R for numerous new countries in the future.
-----quote end-----

So we have a question; Can Japanese play LevelR EU(by Gamigo) without ip-block after Gamepot finish their domestic service in Japan on 15th Mar 2010? Or any alternative service without ip-block for Japanese? We know the territorial contracts called Licensed Territory Compliance Policy (“LTCP”) on October 15, 2009 and We know Gamigo have the right to accept the player where they doesn't have licensed publisher service.

-----quote: -----
Title: Level-R
Operator: Gamepot Inc.
Click here to visit the official Japanese site of Level-R

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, UK, Poland and Rest of World
Title: Level-R
Operator: Gamigo Inc.
Click here to visit the official European site of Level-R. Language selection available.
----- quote end -----

So Japanese can play Gamigo LevelR EU after Gamepot finish their service in Japan?
In addition, we want to immigrate my account from Level-R Japan to Gamigo LevelR because we loves level-R.
We Japanese have much pride on ourselves we are the Level-R drivers from December 2006 when you and Gamepot held the closed beta and technical test of level-R. You know Japanese have enormous contribution of feedback level-R development from when It has the closed beta service on December 2006 and open beta, level-r customer all over the world owes our feedback contribution to develop and expansion of level-R on our planet!

So Gamepot, Gamigo, and Invictus should show pity with us Japanese to approve account transfer offer to Gamigo or other alternative publisher!.

We hope to hear your soonest and warmest replies, especially account transfer offers.
Thank you for your consideration, Mr, Tamas Kozak,
Peace prevails on Level-R and Invictus forever!

Account 名 (自分のアカウント名を書く)
5 Feb 2010 (その日の日付を書く)

(Nerion:Product manager)

-----Templete 2nd edition--------
<宛先> enアットマーク(自分で変換してな)
<題名> Inquiry of account transfer from Gamepot Japan Level-R to Gamigo Eu LevelR

To Gamigo
Atten LevelR team,
Nerion:Product manager

Dear Sir/Madaam
I feel sorry to hear that Gamepot will fisnish their Level-R domestic service in Japan on 15th of March 2010 and now Im happy to hear that you have the territorial rights toward Europe and "the rest of the world" where there are no licensed contracted publisher. So please approve account transfer of my Japanese Level-R id into your levelR service. We hope you will have Account Transfer campaign offers ,it enable you to have more customers, which had started Licensed Territory Compliance Program on 8 of October 2009.

I will wait your soonest and warmest replies,
Best n Regards,
Account 名 (自分のアカウント名を書く)
11 Feb 2010 (その日の日付を書く)


---------------Template 2nd edition -----------------
<宛先>support アットマーク(自分で変換してくれ)
<題名> Inquiry of account transfer from Gamepot Japan Level-R to Gamigo EU LevelR
To: Invictus
Atten:Level-R team, or Tamas Kozak

Dear Tamas Kozak,

I feel sorry to hear that Gamepot annouced finish their level-R service in Japan.

-----quote : -----
Gamepot Inc., Japan, decided to focus on the international expansion of Level-R in the future and stop the Japanese domestic service of Level-R from 15 March 2010.
It won't affect the operation of any other territories and we hope to open Level-R for numerous new countries in the future.
-----quote end-----

So we have a question; Can Japanese play LevelR EU(by Gamigo) without ip-block after Gamepot finish their domestic service in Japan on 15th Mar 2010? Or any alternative service without ip-block for Japanese? We know the territorial contracts called Licensed Territory Compliance Policy (“LTCP”) on October 15, 2009 and We know Gamigo have the right to accept the player where they doesn't have licensed publisher service.

-----quote: -----
Title: Level-R
Operator: Gamepot Inc.
Click here to visit the official Japanese site of Level-R

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, UK, Poland and Rest of World
Title: Level-R
Operator: Gamigo Inc.
Click here to visit the official European site of Level-R. Language selection available.
----- quote end -----

So Japanese can play Gamigo LevelR EU after Gamepot finish their service in Japan?
In addition, we want to immigrate my account from Level-R Japan to Gamigo LevelR because we loves level-R.
We Japanese have much pride on ourselves we are the Level-R drivers from December 2006 when you and Gamepot held the closed beta and technical test of level-R. You know Japanese have enormous contribution of feedback level-R development from when It has the closed beta service on December 2006 and open beta, level-r customer all over the world owes our feedback contribution to develop and expansion of level-R on our planet!

So Gamepot, Gamigo, and Invictus should show pity with us Japanese to approve account transfer offer to Gamigo or other alternative publisher!.

We hope to hear your soonest and warmest replies, especially account transfer offers.
Thank you for your consideration, Mr, Tamas Kozak,
Peace prevails on Level-R and Invictus forever!

Account 名 (自分のアカウント名を書く)
5 Feb 2010 (その日の日付を書く)

Aeriaに、Project torqueの日本への正式な配信地域拡大の意見を送る手紙は後程追加sするかもしれませんし、しないかもしれません。

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