Thursday, August 8, 2019

Crowdfunding for PT accomplished.

Finally, the crowdfunding for Project torque rivive is accomplished by the many backer who donate the campaign!
IT is not sure but someone said it is at leaset about 2 to 4 weeks to relaunch the game itself.
Also it maybe no real car for license contract issue.
Anyway, congrats!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Project Torque CrowdFunding

It has passed already 10 years since Level/R start the service and 5 years since LeverlR/Heatonline discontinued. During these period, some users try to start new community and crowd fund for leverl-R like game like Tuning Evolution and so on but it is finally failed. this year, 12th of JULY 2019 it is announced for Project torque crowdfund on the web i witnessed on FB. They need $10000 to buying the publishing right.
Stream community
But stream community they call it Go Fast ONline.
I wonder the issue of territorial license and licensed cars, server maintainance cost. Anyway I hope It will be well back with like Creo version. They should omit Sumo mode or archade ,and fun mode which ruined Level-R.
*クラウドファンドは、失敗した場合は諸経費を除いて払い戻しされますので、この際昔のLRの住人の方は試されてはいかがでしょうか? 現在のところ、4500$/$10000とのことで、進捗50%との事です。