Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why Project Torque banner removed from Invictus page??

Today I got to know PT banner had been removed from Invictus page.

I remember PT's banner was there on the next to Level-R banner. After the declairation by Invictus of Licensed Territory Compliance Policy (“LTCP”), I had witnessed PT's banner but now I got to know the banner disappear
The banner had disappear because Project Torque is north American verson of Level-R so they are listed on the same line with Speed online of Russia and ex-CIS, EU gamigo and China joyzone and Indonesia onelife?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fast Black impression

Maybe Fast black is not so different with Russian and Chinese Closed Β which have uneasy interface and it is not convinient.Indonesia version Build number is 2457.
But.. when waiting a data before race starts suddenly ramdom mission happnes , is the different?
(Sorry now I no longer play Russia and China version so I dont know the situation now)
There are no Sumo mode.

Also, there adds American-taste manga for each mission introductions which would not be cool.

I remember, there are five mode now.
Arcade,(plus Simulation mode icon if you get professional license)
Battle mode
Thunder Alley

But..I feel disappointed that there are same category between Arcade mode best laptime and Simulation mode best lap time, so Arcade mode has much advantage to get best lap than Simulation mode. It makes this game no longer "real-taste race game".

In the advertizement of title page they have an annoucnement of Morello and Camaro. So they already get General Motors License?

By the way on the Credit on FastBlack, I found that Level-R's producer had changed from Mr. Kaga Naonari to Mr, Mattew Lenehan . What happned on Gamepot?
(Left:Fast black Indonesia : Right:Project Torque US)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

When they got worldwide license? Who cheats or be cheated or misunderstood? (revised)

It has passed almost one months since Invictus started ip-block on PT player from outside of North American region of AGE's territory and still there are some ugly and stupid negative campaign against Invictus and Gamigo because of misunderstandings.

In my analysis, there are two hypothesis.
1,If Aeria does knows their service is north American service only and they doesn't inform it in public , to held "European" or "Australian" league, they pretended as if they are world wide version without refering to "north American service. In this case, it is Aeria's fault.

2,If Aeria did contract with Invictus with unlimited published area contract when they started open β on 2007 , and then Invictus changed their translation of contract and they forced Aeria to be "north American service" after Gamepot obtained global license, It is invictus fault because actually Invictus did double-contract with them.

From now, I quote the sources from pless release, officials statement on Forum by employee, and comment on interview by employee in gaming website.

Checking the the press release of AGE, it is odd that they never describes Project Torque is North American Service and they said "to the public"but also they said "to hit for North America" when they announced Open β.
On the other hand, at the same time in the official Invictus pages they announced Project Torque is north American version of Level-R.

If Aeria had not been informed about territorial obligation that contract is only in North American region when they agreed contract with Invictus 2007, Aeria should have confirmed the territorial license ,(or language license?) and contract with Invictus, or asked rewrite "north American Version or worldwide service". Aeria should suit Invictus if there are wrong business contract and they give worldwide license to the two publisher. I don't know if Aeria Game Entertaiment suit Invictus at the court now.

Other AGE games states it is North American Service or nothing(unrestricted/unlimited area). (See Megami tensei, cronos and so on about territory.) But. about PT, they have no description . But, I guess Aeria does knows it is north American service, judging from the AGE's press release (here: check it each descriptions. It is obvious that they emphasiss on "North America" on their press release.

I guess this territorial license issue by the Gamepot's policy change and enlargement of territory. Originally Gamepot (Japan) and AGE(North America) were under the same subsidery of Aeria (hearquarter in Japan). On 25th of February 2008 So-net dominates all the stocks of Gamepot from Aeria(headquarter in Japan) in the stock market so Gamepot moved to So-net Group. I guess they had belonging to same group and that was the reason Gamepot doesn't protest against AGE and AGE doesn't do ip-block although they are only North Amrican publisher before they sell level-R to Gamigo.

So-net bought Gamepot Japan
Aeria Games (Japan)
After joining So-net group and when Gamepot started Level-R Japan commercial release October 2008, Product Mangaer Mr.Kaga(Gamepot) states Project torque is North American service without different contract terms (it means Gamepot doesn't contract with Aeria, it may suggest Invictus and AGE direct contract about North America region license only .)
 ええ。実はそうなんです。中国ではクローズドβテスト中ですが,ドイツ/オーストリア/スイスあと権利関係でタイトルが違うのですけれども北米で正式 サービス中です。なぜ日本だけ遅れたのかといえば,日本のプレイヤーが,そして何より僕自身が納得のいくクオリティに達していなかったからなんです。
Mr.Kaga said; yea. in China under closed β and in German/Austria/Swiss they started commercial release, and with different title name with different contract relation in North America there are also started commercial release.

I guess, problem had happened after Gamepot move to So-net. They need to seek for more profit for their new stockholder so they sells levelR territorial license to other publisher e.g. Joyzone(shanghai), Gamigo(Humburg), Nival network(St Petersburg), and One life(Jakarta). I guess gamepot knew AGE's territory only in North America. Im not sure when Gamepot got exclusive license all over the world except North America? At least they have only exclusive license on Asian region ,reported on 2005.07.07 and they said E.U service is no schedule at that time.
At that time, they had Asian exclusive license,incruding Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Communist China, Republic of China(Taiwan) ,South Korea, India, Vietnam and many other Asian region and countries, so they agreed to give territorial license to China Joyzone. and Indonesia one life. First,Joyzone agreed exclusive license with Gamepot(Asian exlusive license holder) about Level-R China service. Ofcourse it is reasonable because China is Asian region.

After Gamepot move to So-net Group on 25th of February 2008, They spread sales outside of Asia, e.g. German, Russia, and EU, then "rest of the world".

On 2008.05.15Gamepot agreed to give exclusive license to Gamigo on Germany,Swiss,and Austria. But,we dont know when Gamepot had obtained EU license and why they can agree outside of Asia territorial license.

Actually Gamepot commits so much to develop the basement of Level-R series, especially network technology. Actually Level-R is evoloved Invictus's CRC2005 with Gamepot network know-how and experience. Also It is not only Invictus but also Gamepot invested huge money to support development of it . We know Project Torque is based on level-R, using with the developped network technology system by gamepot. That was because Chat macro speak Japanese languages and Japanaese driver's license when PT's open β and that is because there are Gamepot's name on subscribe list on PT. From the point of view of management and business, It is reasonable for Gamepot to sell it to other publisher.
---------quote from Press release by gamepot-------
Level-R は、ハンガリーのInvictus Games 社とゲームポットのオンランゲームおける運営・ロ ーカライズ・ネットワーク技術のノウハウを投入し、共同開発したリアルレーシングオンラインゲ ームタイトルです

When German Gamigo starts their service on Germany,Swiss and Austria, The issue has uprised on PT official forum about Level-R and Project Torque. At that time I checked on Invictus website that Invictus explain PT is north American version of Level-R , at least on may 2008. Those three countries are not Asian region.
2008.05.13 (Japanese PT eye candy:screenshot)

2008.06.17 (only cars????:screenshot)
2008.09.07 (Level R:screenshot)
Project Torque /US version of Level-R/ - Aeria Games Entertainment Inc. USA
North American Release Q3 2007
or English version of Level-R, called Project Torque.
Judging from GM supermanox's post, I guess there had possiblity of ip-ban at that time ,from the point of view of contract. But ip-ban hadn't operated. (GM is aeria employee, GS is just a amateur volunteer member who doesn't know business. So GM's statement is significant .)
2008.07.12. GM supermanox commented as follows ; (### Important Information for German Players of PT ###:screenshot)
There is no account transfer possible. This was only said in order to trick new customers, or to scare old customers. For our current customers, this change will not have any effect.

Aeria Games has no desire to restrict access for anyone. We believe that competition is good for both the producer and developer. However, we DO meet any legal commitment that we are bound to, and will take action as required by those contracts.

The best current example of this is DoMO. Aeria Games has met its legal obligations for region restriction, despite our protests.
Also, same GM commented on 06 Sep 2008 03:44 as follows ; (Level R:screenshot)
Aeria Games has no desire or intent to block anyone.Should we be forced to do so (by contractual obligation),we will use a solution similar to what we have done with DoMO
(you can check to see the details there).
-----quote end-----
When the GM comments this two comment above, I personally ask a question to AGE about territorial license but they refuse the answer.

On 2009.06.30 report they said Gamepot had agreement of exclusive License in Russian region incruding Kirgys,Turkmenistan, Armain, Moldova,Ukraine,Azerveijen,Georgia,Kazakhstan. Gamepot agreed to give exlusive license in those countries to Nival network. Those countries are not Asian region.

Finally, we know that Gamepot agreed Gamigo to have exclusive license toward EU region and the "rest of the world"
ofcourse ,it is not Asian region. It means, Gamepot held "rest of the world license except north america".

Also, this fact, Two of Aeria GM admitted the fact that Gamepot have global license except north america as follows;
1.GM supermanoxon 18 Oct 2009 23:47 (Invictus Announcement of IP Blocking:screenshot)
Homebass420247 wrote: a way it is going on here...they stole global rights from us..the US

GM supermanox wrote;
The global rights have, and still belong to GamePot, who doesn't really care about the whole IP block issue. This was the first contract for this game, and the most broad. To my knowledge they are not asking for anyone to be blocked.

The only people that can really say what is going on, and why is Invictus... and they are not talking.
2. GM _fastcrx 08 Nov 2009 09:57 (Invictus Announcement of IP Blocking:screenshot)
I wanted to post up in hear and let everyone know what has been going on. At this particular moment in time we have not come to any type of an agreement on lifting the IP block. Gamigo does have the "rights" to enforce it very sadly.

who doesn't really care about the whole IP block issue.

I never heard Gamepot officiall statement they doesn't care about ip-block. So this statement maybe his own imagination. I don't think it is true that Gamepot doesn't want Ip block. It was because Japanese player immigrated into PT so much that their profit became less. Now Japanese version is Diane 3 because Free-play nerd ruined the game and most of player immigrate into PT or GTR2.
Also, I guess Gamepot would want to sell more Level-R to other local Publisher so they want ip-block and fellow strictly regional terms and contract to protect their customer (other publisher)'s profit. Ofcourse, Gamigo and other publisher would want PT do ip-block for their profit itself because they paid money into Invictus and Gamepot for legal rights of publish the local service.

Im not sure a statement below is true or not because I don't have primary source that AGE lost against the lawyer. In addition ,it is Gamigo GS's comment, not PM or GM, gamigo GS Kerosin said as follows;
----- quote ----------
3) the IP-block should have been installed about one year ago, but AGE try to fight against it by lawyer and finally lost. So the IP-block has nothing to do with our current version of the game, it is just to correct the things AGE has done wrong in the past. Even for us, it is more than worse to present a not comparable version to you, because it may cost unpatience gamers for ever.
Im sorry this is not confirmed it is true or not. Against this statement about law action above, none of Game Manager or Product manager on AG refute it in official forum. In the business, official or diputy keep silent means they admitted it is true so they keep silent but they doesn't want to announce.
Now, Not enough explanation by Product manager and Gamemaster of Aeria emploree.
except some posts; ( Invictus Announcement of IP Blocking:screenshot)
(By the way, there are a Gamesage's many unreasonable claims and propaganda but those are from ignorant of the true situation so I only quote GM or PM's statement.)
Aeria is meeting our contractual obligations... and we are not blocking any IP's.

The only people can answer your questions is Invictus. They are implementing the IP block, and are doing so because it is their product, and because they are caving to pressure from other publishers.

These are the same publishers who pushed for the changes that the customers are unhappy with, and as such have stopped playing their versions,and started playing ours. They are using Invictus to try to force players to accept the changes, by removing any other options.

The bottom line is that not everyone has the same vision for this game... and they are willing to take strong measures to force the players to accept the changes.
It is difficult to understand they insist "competition" and "free-access" without proper teritorial license rights. I checked almost all the post on Aeria PT official forum , but none of Aeria Employee delcaired PT is not only North American service but also Global service. If Aeria having a global license they can insist so.
I think Aeria want to avoid their responsibility of explain. They already admitted they don't have global rights (See supermanox's post above), moreover, admitted Gamepot have global rights except north America, so It is time to explain "PT is North American Service" on their official website. Even though It is Invictus's products, Ip-block is nonsense if AGE have global territorial rights. Ofcourse if they doesn't have proper license outside of North American region so they cannot suit the court.

17 Oct 2009 03:18 GM_1fastcrx commented as follows ; ( Invictus Announcement of IP Blocking:screenshot)
Hello everyone and it looks like Gamigo has instructed Invictus to just block Europeans and such from "Only" playing PT. We have noticed that people are able to log into just about all versions of level R from anywhere and are not restricting regions as they had mentioned they would be doing. We wonder why they have not lifted the block from Europeans to play PT as well then?

I would just like to say Aeria has not blocked any accounts and your PT accounts are still available for use here. If anyone is saying/pointing the finger that we have blocked accounts or IP's from our players it is very much so untrue! So milkmann you must understand we have not blocked anyone nor will Aeria ever block its players.
Unfortunately and sadly, it is reasonable Gamigo instructed Invictus because they have proper territorial license, agreed with global license holder Gamepot. It is the business. Money and contract is business.
By the way he said that all versions of level R from anywhere.
Last year I had already been back to Tokyo and I confirmed on 4th of October 2009 I could'nt log-in Russian version, China version(temporary stopped) and EU version. Also, Japanese Level-R still do ip-block from overseas. So this statement seems to be wrong.(But I had reported from other people using American ip they can play gamigo at that time.)

Aeria should explain the detail of the contract, (and appoligizes if they intentionally mislead users to pretended as if that is global version or global license holder.) and should explain why Aeria doesn't suit Invictus on the court if their right is proper to access non-North American ip in their official forum?

Ofcourse I felt depressed I cannot play PT without HSS it causes lag. I had been playing PT from when they started closed β and It is me that I introduced PT on Level-R Japan forum to immigrated PT because LR was already ruined on Aug2007. But, negative campaign these days is nonsense. Company and service should follows by law, contract and compliance and business ethics. The compnay who break the business ethics they lose not only trust but also profit as a result. It is the reason why Im against negative campaign toward Invictus and Gamigo and Gamepot. With the same reason, Im against in the official forum on Project Torque about HSS advertisement shuold be deleted. I never saw those "unofficial" tool instruction on other companies official website or forum. It is enough just using HSS silently, and teach it unofficial or personal blog or website if you want. Or tell your freind about proxi tool to personal messege hand to hand. It is because if Invictus or Gamigo checking about proxy written in PT forum they would do another ban of proxy. Tell your freinds to play Project Torque and ask to buy more Aeria Point for Aeria to buy world wide license in the long future if you really want Project torque ip-block to be lifted up . Excessive wrong negative campagin against Gamigo or Invictus may have procedure next high level restrictions on their client (e.g. prevent system from access through HSS) what I am most concerning about.

Some non-educated they blames I am spy of gamigo, but it is nonsense claim. Im not employee of Aeria or Gamepot or Gamigo and so on. I am also customer who I paid real money to Aeria to buy licensed cars and I loves Suby.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

How often each version updated?

Level-R Japan (Diane 3)
On 2009, they hadn't updated Fiona, C# based client from Java-based Diane 3
After the two year "open beta" had finished and shift into commercial release on Autumn 2008, they did some updates but after March2009 they have no update or no additional car. In the official forum many people claims the service is already dead. Actually free-to-play nerd dominates and ruined the service and most of main player move to GTR2 or PT.
  • 2009.02.17.added some tracks with items and temporary panama rights.
  • 2009.02.10 added some tracks
  • 2009.02.03 added some tracks with items
  • 2009.01.27 added some cars ,tracks with items
  • 2009.01.20 added some cars, tracks with items

Project Torque (fiona)
project torque frequently updates till June, Eleanor to Fiona. After June that they had no prominent update and slower pace adding new car. strictly ip-ban kills their service?
By the ip-ban, many people claimed it Invictus and Gamigo, but the claim is nonsense. It is aeria's fault they doesn't explain it is not world wide territory game, though many player misunderstanding It is so with low intelligence. I hope player buy more aeria points and give profit to AGE, then AGE buy territorial license for outside of the North American region.
  • 2009.06.08 Update from Eleanor to Fiona
  • 2009.05.05 added some cars.
  • 2009.04.10.added some cars

EU (hannah)
They frequently updated the cars (BMW, VW) , just judging from the official website. But I remember they doesnt have General Motors car. I heard the reputation is not good because of silly phisics and dynamics, especially handling.(There are same handling issue on China, Russia and Indonesia.) But I remember they doesnt have General Motors

China (Gina)
After Open beta second, they postoponed or prepare the commercial release?

Russia and the around (Gina, or hannah)
They frequently updated the car, just judging from the official website.

Indonesia (Gina?)
After started commercial release, they updates frequently, judging from official website.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fast black - Indonesia Version

Official Site of fast black. Indonesia.

Client Download link

Official Forum

also they held tornament?

Judging from the Photo、it is Hannah or Gina, It means uneasy interface of the game.

By the way, in the official site they have Invictus and Gamepot logomark and license contract explanation so this game maybe built based on Level-R with license.

FastBlack Forum DanceJam
Syndicate content

Monday, October 26, 2009

Non-North American player's Ip-ban from Project Torque

From the Invictus Pages, they strictly starts provided area restriction,called LTCP

Important notice: Licensed Territory Compliance Program
issued: 8 Oct 2009
updated 16 oct 2009

Invictus Games Ltd. will be implementing its Licensed Territory Compliance Policy (“LTCP”) on October 15, 2009 at the game client level of Level-R, a.k.a. Project Torque, Скорость Онлайн, Fast Black, 极限飚车
Invictus will set a limit to all publishers providing service for players outside of the licensed territories in order to assure exclusivity as per it is contracted with all partners.

As of 15, October 2009, players will not have login access to the client from outside of the applicable Licensed Territory. We ask all players who has logged in to the inappropriate client to find the corresponding topical territorial version and continue playing there.

Should you have any question please visit the
FAQ here
In case you find no answer to your question contact us by email here.

We’re sorry for the possible inconveniences. We are doing our best to provide smooth transitions with our partners.

Official Level-R sites
North America (Maybe United States and Canada?)
Title: Project Torque
Operator: Aeria Games Entertainment Inc.
Click here to visit the official American site of Level-R

Russian Federation (Russia, Kyrgis, Turkmenistan, Armania,Mordova, Ukraine, Azerbeijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Berarusi,Georgia, Kazakhstan)
(Source:4 gamer net)
Title: Скорость Онлайн
Operator: Nival Network
Click here to visit the official Russian site of Level-R

China (China Mainland incruding Hongkong and Macau(People Republic of China)), not sure about Republic of China(Taiwan)
Title: 极限飚车
Operator: Joyzone Inc.
Click here to visit the official Chinese site of Level-R

Title: Fast Black
Operator: One Life Inc.

Title: Level-R
Operator: Gamepot Inc.
Click here to visit the official Japanese site of Level-R

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, UK, Poland and Rest of World
Title: Level-R
Operator: Gamigo Inc.
Click here to visit the official European site of Level-R. Language selection available.

Level-R offers experiencing the thrills of high-speed on and off road racing across vast open terrains with tens of made-up and licensed cars.
Players can race against thousands of real players on the same server across the streets of Tokyo, the racetracks of Germany, the off-road tracks of Hungary and Mexico, the English countryside, the rooftops of Shanghai and many more.
Level-R appeals to street racing fans and circuit racing fans with several crossover approaches to vehicles and race tracks.

MMO actions are integral parts of the game, along with high-end graphics and audio effects.
Invictus' latest game engine offers realistic real-time damage and stunning graphical effects including high dynamic range imaging, bump mapping, dynamic environmental reflections, motion blur and many more. The vehicles are fully user-customisable, both in their appearance and performance, using an intuitive and powerful interface. The game also features TV replay options and realistic sound effects - all in live, through the net, against real-world opponents.

The game is free to play in each countries. Ones who want to obtain real world cars or special skills can buy them for micro payments.

Game Features:
MMORG (Massively Multiplayer Online Racing Game)
Cutting Edge 3D Graphics
Several Game Modes
Advanced Experience and Licensing System
Online Community features like Chat and Email within the Client
Shop and Item Mall for Upgrades and Car Customization
Online Rankings
Tournaments & Events
Mission system

Level-R – Gamigo: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, France, Poland, UK; Nival Group: Russia; Gamepot: Japan; Joyzone: China
Invictus-Games Ltd. All rights reserved 2009

Yellow: Level-RGamepot Japan
Orange:Project Torque Aeria Game and Entertaiment U.S
Red:(SuperRace) Joyzone China Mainland
Pink:Level-R Gamigo Germany
Green: Speed Online nival network Russia
Blue: Fastblack One life Indonesia
Grey(rest of the world): Gamigo Germany.

Ofcourse It is well-known that Project Torque is just a north American version of Level-R, though so many player on PT had misunderstood it is world wide service.

I longly thought it is nonsense that they held Europe Touring League or Australia Touring League because it is appearently overrule of the contract. and also nonsense of non-american ip Game Sage.

Now many people blame on Invictus and gamigo. is not Invictus and gamigo's fault.
It is Aeria's fault that they hadn't bought up territorial license as a world wide version and they pretended to be world wide version without proper contract with Invictus without paying money. I know some GS also misunderstand same interpretion and when I suggest it to them they got angry....It is funny but just ignorance of the history of Level-R

To those who blame Invictus and Gamigo, when you become resident of Developping Countries who often ignores Business contract and business rules? Contract should be kept. Company behavior and business, everything is money and contract. Even Chinese who oftenly ignores international business rule and violatoin of copyright, they does Level-R ip-block against non-chinese ip.
So it is Aeria's fault and they should have bought up territorial license right as a world wide version. But they hadn't pay money and made contract with Invictus.

According to the Invictus page, the territorial rights on "rest of the world" Gamigo have the rights, so actually Gamigo version is actually world wide version now.

Also, PT's GM sometimes commented as follows before;
---GM Superman0X Posted06 Sep 2008 03:44---
Aeria Games has no desire or intent to block anyone.Should we be forced to do so (by contractual obligation),we will use a solution similar to what we have done with DoMO
(you can check to see the details there).

--quote end-----

So,,,it is just time to say good-bye.

Friday, October 2, 2009

LevelR German (by Gamigo) expanded the service on Europe.

Im not sure but I found it yesterday that It had added Level-R announcement on each language pages of Gamigo website as follows;

1.UK (UK)
2.France  (FR)
3.Spain (Espanol) (ES)
4.Poland (PL)
From those link above, you can visit each language version of level-R official site above and you can get installer for each version of Level-R.

As far as I know Gamigo had a exclusive license between only 3 German language countries e.g. Germany, Switss, and Austria. This time they expanded the service officially.

Im not sure ip-ban of Project Torque for American market , if they will be forced to ip-ban for non-american players, by the contract with Invictus about provided area terms and condition, contract.

At the same time German Level-R by Gamigo will be upgrade from Fiona to Hanna. , skipping "G" build.
2009.09.19 Goodbye-Fiona announcement9
2009.09.28 Announcement of Hannah

I feel the interface of Fiona is upgrade version of the Eleanor's one and those two builds are completely different from new Level-R CHINA and Russia so Level-R china and Russia would be Gina?

And i hadn't know that German version added Volkswagen Golf GTI. I hope the car will be added other version e.g. U.S. Japan and China n Russia.

Also I found on PT website that there are listed on Honda Accord EX-L 2008 but still no shown on PT.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sumo Mode @ Russian closed β

On russian version closed beta, here are anotehr battle track called Sumo Mode,
RMK;Sumo is Japanese treaditional suports to repell out oppornents from the stage. see here

BTW Russian version will launched under the invictus/gamepot license and support and the programme is based on Level-R, not Project Torque: official annoucement by Gamepot here

1Oil Platform map

2.Iceland map

3:Joburg construction Building;
I d been Joburg few years ago but it was really thrilling, dangerous chaos city.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

china version of Level-R will be launch Closed beta part 2 in June 25 2009

Checking the official website of Level-R China, they annouced it will be 25June 2009

They add some new track and car.

1.Mazda MX-5 (1999) Class2 Tier 3
最高速度 204KPH
出力 146ho
0-100 Km/H 7.82 秒

Airport Track

Also having Sumo mode which Russian Speed online have? (Sumo is Japanese traditional wrestling, pushin out opponent outside of the battle field)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Most of fantasy car name and Embrem implies some Company inspirated, as a parody.

Most of fantasy Car name and Embrem implies ae Company and car name from which they are inspirated from , as a parody .  Ofcourse they never admit it to avoid being claimed from those real company. It is same logic with Chinese imitation copy products.  There are many fake -Japanese company /car name car because Level-R is originally aimed for Japanese market although now Japaneseversion already ruined .

Corus S2 / S3 (3Door hatch back/4 seater/FF/) made for game.
Officially Mr.Kozak talk about the car is completely mixture car, not prominent car model.

 例えば,ハッチバックタイプのCORUS S2という車があります。これは実在するハッチバックタイプの車,数車種の各パーツから着想を得ています。それを最終的に,デザイナーがリデザインし,ゲームにフィットさせているというわけです。
For example, Corus S2, hatch back type car is inspired from various car and parts and the car designer refine and re-desing made for game.
---Quote end---

Kawana K-660 (2Door/kei-kar/2 seater/FR/)
The K implies Japanese Kei-Car  
Also, 660 imples 660ccemission. Suzui Cappcino has 657cc engine

The logomark of (Syachihoko) is a legendary fantasy fish and something gardian from bad evel and pray for thrive.
”Suzuki" means tipical Japanese family name. also There are another meaning ,which is a fish name called Suzuki.
So It can assumed that Kawana named after Suzuki.
Suzuki Cappcino

Lion Exective Sedan (2Door/sedan/4 seater/FF/)
It is apper that Lion Logomark implies Pegeot Emblem
Also, exective implies Pegeot Exe series. e.g.  305.  405

Miyato Wizz (3Door hatch back/family car/4 seater/FF/)

Miyato's emblem is appear that is inspired from Japan's shrine gate called Torii(鳥居)
Miya宮 means palace, To戸 means door. which also supports the suggestion of Torii.
Compare Torii mark and Toyota's logomark. (But othere option, this Torii mark also resemble to Honda emblem)
”Wizz” seems Toyota Vits(Yariz) and Honda Jazz, so maybe it is mixure car Vits and Jazz

Hexan GT---
(2Door /coupe/4 seater/FR/)
There are some option suggestion about this car.
1.Mixture car, conbined with Nissan' some skyline ER34 parts, with S-15 Silvia Rearparts.
2.Dodge Charger (Level-R China official website explain so)
3.Toyota Chaser.

No idea about the emblem implies, but the company name seems like Fake Nissan
Honda + Nissan => Hissan =>Hexan?

Quadro SF-6 / (
SD-T5) (2Door/sedan/4 seater/AWD/)
The name itself seems from Audi Quattro.

Corall Spire GTI 1984 (3Door/hatchback/4 seater/FF/)
Shape is resemble to Pegeout 205GTI (1983~)Also see here
Pegeout 205GTI was produced by Pegeout Citroen.
Corall's three stripe(curve) Emblem is broken style of Citroën emblem called double boumeran and turn it 90 degree on clockwize?

Someone said that Toyota Starlet or Suzuki Swift .But I cannot hint from those car.

Corus GTC 4WD

Stallion GT (2Door/coupe/4 seater/FR/)
It is appear that the car is Ford Mustang, but let me check the emblem
Stallion---named After the male "horse"without picking off Penis . Also,its logomark implies Ford Mustang. See the Ford Mustang's logomark on Ford Official Website

Phoenix 400HO
(2Door/muscle car/4 seater/FR/)
Phoenix is the legendary firebird in Egyptian myth they can revive. so It implies Pontiac "Firebird" Compare emblem between Firebird and Phoenix.

Harpoon GT (2Door/coupe/4 seater/FR/)
It is appearthat the car is Dodge Charger, but check the emblem?
Harpoon itself means "a long spear-like instrument used in fishing to catch fish or other large marine mammals such as whales."
But, no idea for me what the relation between "spear" and the "emblem" hints. But Just my assumtion,   To pierce whale by the spear image resemble to the Horn of the Bison?  

Spiedo Forte (Spada Forte) (2Door/hatchback/4 seater/M4wd/)
About the name Spiedo Forte (Spada Forte) no idea for me.
This car seems inspired from Four wheel Drive midship mount Engine Lancia Delta Integrale
reading their explanation and spec.
Also, checking Emblem. Design of Lancia is Sield with weapon with cross and Spiedo Forte's one is reverse design.

Panama GT (2Door/coupe/2 seater/RR/)
The name itself maybe inspired Porsche Panamera. Ofcourse "Panama GT" is different concept with four door Panamera. It seems inspired from Porsche 996 .But I Dont know what is this Embrem coming from? or simple design of horse-like emblem same as Porsche one?

Morello S-Type
Also no idea what "morello" embrem suggests?

Lambo Miura concept 2006
Ford GT40

Cobra RS coupe
(2Door/coupe/2 seater/FR/)

Class5.2 /Max speed  316kph/0-100pkh  4.77sec/Deacceration 39m Someone said that it is BMW Z4.
But I guess this car is "Made for game" mixture car, main framework and concept from BMW Z4 and some front parts remind me Ford Cobra or Lexus and rear
partz Nissan Fairlady Z33.
The embrem of Cobra RS is appearently referenced from Shellby Cobra.
Ofcourse there  are nothing resemble or hint between "Cobra" emblem and BMW or Nissan.But. those Cobra reminds me of Z4, Shellby Cobra and Fairlady Z  agressive style.

Left:embrem of "Cobra RS"

Right:embrem of Shellby Cobra.
Embrem is very similar but car design itself looks totally different...

C Raser
Actually this kind of 3-door mini-size 4x4 car are so many, so answer is "A Japanese car SUV".

MR.Tamas Kozak, CEO of Invictus, officially commented that that C-Racer 4x4 is inspired from A Japanese SUV" in the inverview with Gamepot.
Kozak氏: 技術テストに登場する車だと,オフロード用の四駆車 C LACER Xが,日本のとあるSUV車をモデルにしています。
In the technical test clsed beta, C-Racer, Offroad 4 wheel drive car, is inspired from A Japanese SUV model.

Actually this kind of mini-4x4 car are so many, e.g. Mitsubishi Pajero Mini, Suzuki Virata or Jimny and so on. SO I think it is "No Answer".

Lagoon Destroyer2008

Ranger 4x4
Wrangrer 4X4

In incitus there are a car desiger who used to work on Mercedes, Lambo, Ford and got a award from the car desginer competiton on Los Angels 2005.
実は,社内にとても優秀なカーデザイナーがいるんです。かつて,メルセデス・ベンツやランボルギーニ,フォードなどに所属していた人物で,ランボルギーニ のオフロードカーや,メルセデス・ベンツのバスやトラックなどをデザインしていました。2005年にロサンゼルスで行われたカーデザイナーのコンペティ ションで受賞しているほどのセンスなんですよ。彼が,Level-Rのカーデザインをしているんです。

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Comparison Cost Performance of Level-R/Project torque

Comparison Cost Performance of Level-R and Project torque

PC' s spec will be ruined just 4-5 years because it is too rapidly renovted every PC parts.
Considering to play Level-R with confortable, need PC with Core 2 quad/2GB/Vram512MB/at least.those specs would be 80000-100000JPY.(800-1000US)

Level-R : Free of Charge / but need Real money to play real car: Per 700jpy to 2500yen , depends on degree of addictiveness. also, simultaneous number of player is 8 ppl maximum now ,(TA have 16ppl)

On the other hand, compare PS3 Game. for example;
Most cheapest PS3 in the shop : 35978JPY (11NOV2006.)
Gran Tourismo 5p :4980JPY:Cat 70 all inclusive (13DEX2007~)
Simultaneous number of people on-line per race: 16 ppl

total: 40958
Play station 2 had released 4Mar2000 ,so It tooks 6 years to update new version of Play station. Also, from GranTourismo 4 prologue (Dec2003)to 5prologue (13DEC07), It had passed four years (but minor update sometimes).

So, conclusion is, Level-R cost performance is no good for consumer game hardware like P.S 3?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Russian Version "Скорость Онлайн" β test will coming soon!

Accordning our information, Russian version of so-called Level-R game will be launched soon.
It is not sure they will have own direct contract with Invictus, or licensed product through Gamepot(level-R) or Aeria (project torque) .

The publisher in Russia is "Nival Network"
The title will be ; "Скорость Онлайн"
Also check it here.

Actually I cannot use Russian, so some1 please translate those Russian text news, thanks.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Why Level-R Japan falling down?

I was surely remember that Level-R had been started with desire and expected so much from many β test player when they launched Closed /Open β on Dec2006 and APR2007. on the same year 2007 Project torque had started closed beta on August 2007 and open/ commercial release on October 18.

On the first stage of its Open beta on Level-R , it was so expected and hustled from many player. but. maybe June2007, game balance had been changed more childish dynamics altough they informed it was "realistic-tendency" network race game more than "fun-taste driving game"(e.g. drift city).

On 4-gamer net ,Director of Level-R Naonari Kaga comments this policy change ,making level-R more arcade like than real phisics for more Child player.(『リアル志向で進めるか,カジュアルに留めて万人向けにするか』 )

Director Kaga said:
most of request from customer are " real-trend phisics" and "improvment of Tuning system". becayse Level-R is the simulation-trend and those core player requests so.

(加賀氏: 一番多かったのは「リアルにしてほしい」というものでした。もう一歩進めて「チューンの幅を広げたい」というものも多かったですね。Level-Rはシミュレータ寄りのゲームですので,やはりコアなプレイヤーから車の挙動についての要望が多かったように思います。)

4Gamer said; But..Is it problem that realistic trend makes newbies and light user/player avoids playing the game?
(4Gamer: でもリアルに寄せすぎると,新規のプレイヤーやライトゲーマーにとって,取っつきにくくなってしまいますよね。)

Mr Kaga said; Yes you are right. Most of player were workers around 20-30 years old workers (when open beta starts). But,,,,situation become change that more and more primary and junior high, high school player after the summer vacation (notice summer 2008). If I were Primary or Junior high school student I would feel Level-R is hard to control for me. (so we decided Level-R downgrade)

(加賀氏: そうなんですよね。Level-Rのプレイヤーは,もともと20代後半の社会人男性が中心だったのですが,今年の夏休みくらいから高校生どころか小中学生に至るまで層が広がったんです。

4Gamer said; Those hard control issue makes less player to participate in, although this game is free-to-play to encourage participation in.
(4Gamer: せっかく基本無料でハードルが低いのに,別の部分で引き上げてしまっているかもしれないと。)

 その点に関して,Invictus Gamesのリードクリエイターとも非常に頭を悩ませまして。彼が日本に来たときには,日本のゲームセンターに連れて行ってレースゲームを片っ端からやら せてみたんですよ。「日本ではこういう挙動が好まれる」とか,「このタイトルはドリフトが楽しいから人気なんだ」とか逐一分析しました。

So, the conclusion is, they ignores Core player and not free-to-play player, but they think importance on Child and free-to-play nerds and make LevelR more easier. Their policy change makes many ppl disappointed of Japanese player. Most of tester of Level-R Japan had been irretated also because there had no news about commercial release on Japanese edition til October 2008, although they were waiting and playing it from 2006Dec. It was over 1 year and half test. During long-term beta test on Japan, Project Torque had many Japanese immigrant who they were playing Level-R because they have more "real" car than Japanese edition. So, Level-R Japan had no longer been expected by those heavy supporter" and their fate falling down.

It was said that there are some regional distribution terms and condition toward each publisher. e.g. Gamepot for Japam market and Gamigo for German/Swiss/Austria, and Joyzone for China, and Aeria for north american market. Level-R would fellow those regional publishment contract on the other hand Aeria would ignored of those regional terms and condition? It is not "world" version Level-R, It is north American version of Level-R.

Actually the advantage of regional restricted service' makes less lag so it is suitable for ghost off races. Ghost off race is more excited than suck ghost-On races time attack. To promote cool pass, and cover up the gap between high spec car and low spec car on the Ghost-off race, better to intruduce "reverse pole position system which lower car must be front line and fast car last low to promote "cool pass".
PT can buy some performance increasing backpack by RP(PP) and nitro2-4 can buy with AP only, on the other hand Level-R Japan can buy Nitro by RP and performance backpack for CP(AP) only. I think level-R decision about item is reasonable to promote ghost off race with thrill and tension.

My personal opinion to revival on Level-R Japan as follows;

1. Back to the Basic, back to the realistic-tendency race game! (PT's VS Sim mode nowadays seems as if it is poor ex-Drift-mode ) . Open β tester who are most expected for Level-R wanted for "real tendency Engine when it was so in early stage of Open beta!.

2. Introducuction of G.S system , same like Aeria and Gamigo to ban overrule player easily
to keep the fairplay order. The management Gamepot are too lazy against overrule player , multiple computer user with XP/RP farmer and hate speecher. The Gamepot GM, they cannot control order of game morality. Especially, leave those farmer alone, the game will ruins because of "No-money-pay player. Thay have too much time to play , on the other hand, paid player tend to be less log-in hours so they will lose those "free-of charge car " user. So paid player left the game and only kids remains to stay level-R Japan.

3. Need renovation of BBS. Abolish BBS today and should be change same system like Aeria and Gamigo which can promote discussion to collect "customer's voice"!

4. There are too many non-charged player (mostly they are jobless tards or school kids) and PP(RP)farmers, so they should abolish non-real car as far as possible. Introduce real Lambo Miura ,Porsche 996 , Ford Mustang or Lancia Delta Intergrale and abolish upper-level those fantasy cars. It is nonsense and think little of cusomer who buy in-game-money that some PP-fantasy car driven by Jobless can easily beat real money-cost car who paid real money. It seems absurd and unable to maintain management. Who want slowr Real car in game with real money than faster fake fantasy with in-game-money(RP) car?

4.Need More significant real car for Japanese market e.g. Nissan R35 Spec-V , Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept(Prototype Honda NSX:already it had cancelled of its developement), and Lexus LF-A which they would be possible to compete with other class-6 car Panama(a.k.a Fake Porsche 996) or Corvette C6 LS2 , and concept camaro. It is absurd that we can buy fastest performance car by RP(PP) and it defeats AP(CP) car easily.

Cf: Lap time for Nurburgring North track (german)

Anyway, It is not only Level-R problem but also Project Torque which they will have strong competitor of Need For Speed World Online. It was said that they did closed beta on Taiwan on last March and will be release summer or autumun 2009. They already checked the problem of Level-Rs so it is hard to think they do same mistake like them?

Mazda Xedos Out!

24th of Apr 2008, suddenly Mazda Xedos6 V6 (a.k.a Eunos 500) had released out on Project Torque in the United States.

Spec is as follows
Prix:699AP class1.3?
236kph/177hp/7.39sec/45m/40% (Upgrade 4)

10APR09, Honda Civic Type-R Ep-3 (2004) had released out on Project torque as well.
This car had already released on Level-R German by Gamigo on 23DEC2008.

Class 4.1/ AP 1299
257kph/265hp/5.59sec/33m/40%(Upgrade 4)

14thFeb2009, Honda S2000 had released on Project Torque.
This car also had already been in Level-R Germany by Gamigo on 16Dec2008.
Class4. 2 /AP 1299

18thDecember2009 Honda NSX Type-R (2002)had released on Project Torque as a item of Mystery box. Now it is sales in the shop.
Also sales in the Level-R German by Gamigo have this car.

Class 5.2 AP 2399

I created the car list which stock condition and full-upgraded status as follows;

Comparison those four version of Level-R and Project torque.

Checked the minimum requested Spec of each version as follows;

Actually Japanese and Chinese (simplified/Complecated charactor) uses 2 bytes letters, on the other hand Germany and English uses 1 bites letters.

Project Torque(North American region/Eleanor/Commercial release):Windows XP or Vista 32
(Same when they are on Daiane)

Level-R(Germany, Austria, Swiss/Eleanor/Commercial release)Windows XP or Vista
(Same when they are on Diane)

Level-R(China/Eleneor/finished closed beta 1 and 2, now open beta 1 and soonly commercial release start ):Windows XP or Vista
(Same when they are on Diane)

Both three version above is okay for Vista 32 from when they are Diane, but, only Original Level-R in Japan they officially annouced Vista is not out of warranty.Also they said Windows XP 64 bit is out of warranty. So, problem is not between Windows XP or Vista, but it is 32 bit or 64 bit?

Level-R(Japan:Diane3/Commercial release): Japanese Ime-Microsoft Windows XP
※XP-Server version,XP 64bit, and Windows Vista is out of warranty.

Next generation server "Fiona" on PT soom?

I did read in the system chat that a GM talk about new server "Fiona" , the next patch after Eleanor.

I forgot the server name of "B" r, but anyway after that they did updated to Cleo, Diane, and Eleneor.

They said as follows;
*3-5 licensed cars.
*New Fantasy car "Cobra"
*All the mission record will be reset
*Mission will have given three qualifies, Bronze, Silver, Gold.
*Those who complete 32 missions on Gold, they will get award.
*Team battle mode will be equipped, called King of the hill

Same G.M also said d few weeks ago he implies 9 real car are now under consideration and waiting for official license. Also one fantasy car on "european type car"

Formula Car on Level-R China???

Few months I hadn't updated some news about each version of Level-R series and Project torque.

Now there are some news about Level-R china Version which implies Formula Car.
Actually FIA have much interesting for improvement of China market to obtain F-1 new supporter so I guess it is a part of Promotion for F-1 or other formular car race tied up with Level-R China and Thinkpad(by Renovo, ex-IBM)? The exhibission had held on Shanghai 2008. It is not personal site, it is Official Site of Level-R China version by Joyzone!
(If i have a time I wll translate it later)
自1950年第一场Formula One 赛事诞生至今,已经历经了近60年的风雨。F1赛车也从最初的雏形发展至今。随着赛事的不断发展,FIA(法文全称Federation Internationale de 1’Automobile,国际汽车联合会)对赛车的规定越来越完善,F1赛车也逐渐成为一只武装到牙齿的野兽。

(1950年第一场Formula One 比赛中的战车)

历经近60的科技对抗后如今的 Formula One全面进化为顶尖科技的产物,在性能飞速攀升的同时,对赛车手的身体素质与车辆驾驶技术需求同样与日俱增。对于这样一辆高端的战车,普通人也往往只有透过赛道缓冲区与隔离带远远的凝视。

(2009年的Formula One 战车)

对于F1车迷来说,恐怕最大的心愿都是亲自驾驶F1在赛道上驰骋一番,但由于诸多的因素通常只能望洋兴叹。一些 车迷选择在游戏中过把手瘾。撇开GPL这类在国内玩家较为稀有的不谈,无论是常青树EA F1 challenge还是LFS、RF之流,都有十分不错的驾驶手感。
随着 Formula One 大奖赛上海站的到来,在拟真类赛车网游《极限飚车》中出现了一辆全仿真的F1赛车。这也是全球首款拥有仿真F1赛车的网络赛车游戏,这对广大的F1车迷及赛车游戏爱好者无疑是个天大的喜讯。

游戏中的F1与Mclaren 车队在2008赛季上海站所使用的战车mp4-23的前鼻翼空气动力套件部分相同。







本次在《极限飚车》中登场的F1战车不仅在外形上高度仿真,性能特点也同样与真实F1赛车一脉相承。游戏中车辆马力高达718匹,极速可达347公 里每小时,0-100KPH加速只需1.84秒。与需要专业驾驶技能的真实F1不同的是,考虑到游戏玩家并非专业车手,开发方特地减少了一些不必要的难 度,只将最精华的特质保留下来让玩家感受F1的精粹。这样的车辆是否正是你想要的?为何游戏中会出现F1赛车?想去现场体验F1?想体验最新的F1车辆?谜底即将揭晓,敬请关注《极限飚车》最新动态!
2009年4月17日—19日 或许是上海国际赛车场最后一次为F1赛事响起引擎的轰鸣声
在 过去17年的发展中,ThinkPad曾多次在F1赛车运动中获取灵感,成就了一次又一次的技术创新。2003年推出的“安全气囊”APS主动式硬盘保护 技术、2006年的镁制防滚架(Roll Cage),这些来自F1赛车的设计灵感无疑都大幅提高了移动计算的行业标准。有趣的是,对安全的高度重视同样也是F1赛车运动发展中的焦点。

Thinkpad展台驰骋在虚拟世界的 ThinkPad 方程式
如何让普罗大众也能轻易的感受到联想技术在方程式赛车中的重要作用?面对着这样一个难题,解决方案也油然而生——为什么不充分使用计算机技术来在虚拟世界中打造一台属于联想的 ThinkPad 方程式?
而放眼国内,唯一可以为联想提供赛车模拟专业支持的公司,也只有天纵网络可以满足这样的需求 —— 在短短一个月时间内,打造一台原创的 ThinkPad 虚拟方程式赛车,并且同样提供出可以供方程式赛车自由驰骋的赛道。


天纵网络拥有《飚车》和《极限飚车》两款网络赛车 游戏。它们不是卡通化的卡丁车游戏,也没有过分超现实的特殊物品。他们是真正意义上的驾驶游戏。与联想合作的 ThinkPad 方程式是在新的极限飚车平台之上实现的,强大的底层物理特性为完美的在虚拟世界中呈现出方程式赛车提供了有力的保障。
正如现实中设计一款方程式赛 车困难重重。在虚拟世界中重现方程式赛车的特性也非常具有挑战性。750ps的马力是日常家用轿车的8倍,0-100公里每小时的加速时间少于2秒,而从 每小时100公里时速刹车到静止只需要16米的距离。往往不被大多数驾驶模拟所关注的空气动力学特性也在对方程式赛车的模拟中起到至关重要的地位。

Some photo on Shanghai promo for Level-R China by Joyzone,1.shtml,3.shtml