Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fast Black impression

Maybe Fast black is not so different with Russian and Chinese Closed Β which have uneasy interface and it is not convinient.Indonesia version Build number is 2457.
But.. when waiting a data before race starts suddenly ramdom mission happnes , is the different?
(Sorry now I no longer play Russia and China version so I dont know the situation now)
There are no Sumo mode.

Also, there adds American-taste manga for each mission introductions which would not be cool.

I remember, there are five mode now.
Arcade,(plus Simulation mode icon if you get professional license)
Battle mode
Thunder Alley

But..I feel disappointed that there are same category between Arcade mode best laptime and Simulation mode best lap time, so Arcade mode has much advantage to get best lap than Simulation mode. It makes this game no longer "real-taste race game".

In the advertizement of title page they have an annoucnement of Morello and Camaro. So they already get General Motors License?

By the way on the Credit on FastBlack, I found that Level-R's producer had changed from Mr. Kaga Naonari to Mr, Mattew Lenehan . What happned on Gamepot?
(Left:Fast black Indonesia : Right:Project Torque US)

1 comment:

finalcorner said...

very nice blog, thank you a lot.