Thursday, July 15, 2010

Taiwan version of Level-R coming soon!

Taiwan Level-R will come soon. They had already finished technical test on July and will start Closed beta from August. The Taiwan Publisher Unalis ,cooporate/contract with Gamepot/Invictus, same like Russia, Indonesia, Thailand, and EU version. (Norh America region is not incruded territory of Gamepot.)

here is Chinese news text and no remarkable explanation and no difference with other Level-R explanation. just use web translation. Only the things we need to know is the day when they start closed beta.

From 7th~ 10th of July 2010 they did pre-technical test for VIP customer.
They annonces they will start closed beta from August 2010.

Taiwan Level-R Official site :
Taiwan Level-R Facebook


 競速線上遊戲《Level-R》正式進軍台灣,松崗科技於 7 月 10 日舉行VIP精英試駕,對於《Level-R》的精緻的畫面、精準的操控系統、改裝系統以及豐富的線上遊戲模式,與會玩家們紛紛表示「不虛此行」。


   《Level-R》是由日本知名遊戲公司Gamepot旗下的工作室Invictus所開發製作而成的實感賽車遊戲,是唯一同時擁有七家車廠原廠授權和 全球特色賽道,包括TOYOTA、NISSAN、SUBARU、MAZDA、MITSUBISHI MOTORS、BMW、Volkswagen等,其中更擁有為數眾多、受到台灣玩家熱烈喜愛的日系名車,目前遊戲已被翻譯成9種語言,深受到歐美和亞洲各 國競速玩家的熱烈喜愛。

慕名而來的VIP精英 熱絡的精英賽

   慕名而來的VIP玩家當中,有熱愛賽車遊戲長達八年的林小弟弟、有經營賽車遊戲社群的站長、修車廠老闆等,讓現場舉行的連線友誼賽便成一場相當熱絡的冠 軍爭奪賽,除了提供餐點供VIP玩家「補給」,前三名還有UP+點卡可以拿;為讓遊戲有更多貼心的功能,松崗科技現場舉行Q&A,詳細紀錄了每一 位玩家的試玩心得,期待在遊戲上市時給所有國人一個全新的賽車體驗。

   《Level-R》目前擁有18種世界地圖、90張賽道以及超過40輛以上的明星車款,像是有「東瀛戰神」之稱的GT-R R35、知名漫畫「頭文字D」主角所乘駕的經典車款AE86、電影變形金剛中大黃蜂的設計原型車款等都將在遊戲當中亮相供玩家駕馭;除此之外,遊戲中設計 了11種以上豐富的遊戲模式,預計今年 8 月進行CB測試,邀您共創彎道新風雲。



  • LEVEL-R形象
  • 原廠名車由您駕馭
  • 慕名而來的VIP精英
  • 熱絡的精英賽

We remember the announcement by Gamigo Product manager about the territory "rest the world".

So if there are Taiwan player in Gamigo Level-R they would move the account to Taiwan Level-R and should be ip-block them. They ofcourse knew who use Taiwan ip so dont decieve it like PT does.

----------quote ----------
Dear Community,

gamigo negotiated a deal with Gamepot concerning all territories which currently do not have local services, but are covered by Gamepot’s worldwide license (excluding North America). From today everybody out of a non-licensed territory is able to access the gamigo Level-R server.

Should Gamepot find a local publisher in your region, we will move the whole account with all cars, level etc. to this new service
. Nobody needs to be afraid that the situation like with Project Torque will happen again. We ensure you that no one will lose their account.

I am really happy that we are able to offer this solution to you and I hope everybody will have fun on our server.

Best regards
The Level R Team

----------quote end----------

And,,,If I were to be employee of Gamepot, I should have suggest to buy right for U.S service and start new service level-R incruding U.S, Japan, and rest the world except the area which already have local publisher e.g. German or Russia and so on. We knows ,Gamepot Japan have global rights except north america basically. "The rest of world" is just a temporary procedure where there are no local publisher contract with Gamepot.

In this situation, Gamigo level-R would back to one of the small local publisher which provide ther level-R service within five countries German,Swiss,Austria, UK.France, Spain and poland?

Should Gamepot find a local publisher in your region, we will move the whole account with all cars, level etc. to this new service
. Nobody needs to be afraid that the situation like with Project Torque will happen again. We ensure you that no one will lose their account.


By the way, Communist China mainland(PRC :中華人民共和國) versin of Level-R(except Hongkong,Macau, and Republic of China 中華民國) stop their closed /open beta service and cancelled the commercial release? I dunno what it happned? It doesnt work.

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